It seems as though the spring weather is officially, 100 %, no more snow days, upon us! And I frankly couldn't be more thrilled about it!. Gone are the winter blahs and good riddance to them!. Mamma bear Bidgood has come out of hibernation and is now out and about in the world with her wee cubs :)
Feeling all "SPRINGY!" and wanting to teach Carys about plants and nature, we ventured out into the sunshine to the store to buy a packet of seeds and some soil. Now... I'm no gardener. In fact, I'm not ashamed to call myself a serial plant killer. All the plants in my home are made of plastic, and made of plastic for a reason. 1. The cat will eat, or attempt to eat almost anything and 2. I kill real plants. I'm convinced, infact that they die and shrivel up inside at the thought of coming home with me, turn brown within a day.. and end up in the garabage (hopefully - but whos kidding who here.. i'm a busy lady and continually keep up with all housework and chores - ha!) within a week.
I vaguely remember growing merigolds (sp?) in school as a child, in styro-foam cups, and they turned out relatively okay. So this is my attempt at showing Carys what plant life is all about. How beautiful plants/flowers grow from teeny tiny seeds. She is completely enthralled in the idea of growing these "baby plants" and caring for them, and excitedly asks each day to help water them. So, as I type..I have a window sill full of styro-foam cups, each containing one of Carys' beloved "baby plants", and I'm doing my darned-est not to kill them!.
Down below are a few of our mother-daughter gardening pictures :)

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